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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Is Internet Phone Service (VoIP) Worth the Switch?

ou've seen the advertisements. You probably know at least one person who has tried it, but is Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP), a.k.a. Internet phone or digital phone, for you? Let's face it. Your traditional phone service works pretty well, so why switch? The answer is savings.

Let's start with the basic monthly plan. The average monthly residential Internet phone plan is approximately $25/month. Business plans are roughly double the residential rate. Usually included within this price are loads of free features like voice mail, call waiting, three way calling, caller id, and call forwarding. Traditional phone service ranges from approximately $15/month to $60/month depending upon add-ons, long distance, taxes, and surcharges. Internet phone service may be for you if you are on the higher end of this scale. Moreover, many cable companies offer Internet phone service as part of a bundled package- Internet, television, and home phone service on one bill. This combination may prove to be very cost effective.

International calls are extremely cheap with Internet phone. Rates can start from around $.02/min., depending upon the destination country. Also, some calls may even be free. For example, if you subscribe to XYZ Internet phone service, and you call a friend overseas who also subscribes to XYZ, the call should be free. You can even take your Internet phone service with you when you travel. If you have a wi-fi Internet phone, you should have service wherever there is a wi-fi hotspot worldwide. Or if you take your hardware with you (i.e. telephone adapter, router, IP phone), you should be able to use your service wherever there is a broadband Internet connection available. Thus, frequent travelers or people with overseas relatives and friends would greatly benefit from Internet phone service.

Business owners stand to benefit the most from switching to Internet phone service. High long distance volume, systems integration, phone number mobility, and local market presence are the main reasons why. First, businesses have inherently high call volumes, especially domestic and international long distance. VoIP should lower these expenses, lowering monthly overhead. Second, VoIP is highly flexible and meshes well with other business applications. Third, businesses spend thousands of dollars annually on advertising, and those dollars are wasted if a phone number has to be changed. VoIP allows a business to keep the same number regardless of location. Closely related is the issue of local market presence. With VoIP, businesses can have a local phone number but be located in a different city, state, or country. The cost to you is just a local phone call. Despite the many benefits of VoIP for businesses, there is one major concern - security. Since voice conversations travel via the Internet, VoIP systems are susceptible to the same perils as your computer (i.e. hackers, viruses, etc.). Small to medium sized business are less of a target than larger businesses. However, all businesses utilizing VoIP should have up-to-date security software and contingency plans in place to minimize the threat.

Despite the many benefits of VoIP, there are a few issues that require consideration. These issues include: voice quality, power outages, emergency services, alarm systems, fax capabilities, digital video recorder (DVR) devices, local number portability (LNP), and broadband Internet requirement. For you, these issues may be just a intermittent irritation, like a dropped phone call or poor signal reception during a cell phone call. For others, these concerns could be insignificant or a deciding factor.

With Internet phone service, voice quality depends heavily upon the quality of your high speed Internet connection. So if your connection is not fast enough, voice quality may be inconsistent. It's always best to test your broadband connection with a VoIP speed test before subscribing.

Presently, unless an alternate back-up power source is readily available, Internet phone service will not work during a power outage because vital pieces of equipment such as routers, analog telephone adapters, and modems require power. Aware of the problem, some companies supply equipment with built-in battery back-ups. Other companies will route calls to an alternate phone number during an outage. Or, you could purchase an Uninterruptable Power Source (UPS) to provide power during an outage. The amount of power supplied by UPS's will vary by model and price. Barring the aforementioned, be ready to use a cell phone during a power outage, or consider keeping a bare minimum landline as a back-up.

In 2005 VoIP companies that interconnected with the public telephone network were required by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to provide 911 service and disclose service limitations. When you dial 911, calls are routed through a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP). E911 (Enhanced 911), which is utilized in many areas, allows the PSAP to automatically discern your location. Due to the dynamic nature of VoIP, your location is more difficult to determine. Many companies have bypassed this obstacle by sending the PSAP the address of the subscriber. However, all PSAP's are not set-up to receive VoIP data. In which case, you would have to provide your location to the call center. As more and more people use Internet phone service, upgrades are being made to provide E911.

Presently, most alarm systems use a landline for monitoring purposes. Your alarm system may work with VoIP, although some equipment adjustments and testing may be required. Since VoIP data travels at higher speeds, these adjustments involve the lowering of these speeds. Similarly, faxes may be sent over a standard VoIP line, with equipment adjustments needed in many cases. To mitigate this problem, many companies offer designated fax lines as an add-on or as part of a business service plan. Additionally, many digital video recorder (DVR) devices require landlines to receive updates. However, some subscribers have reported successful DVR operation with VoIP. For a seamless transition, if you already have a DVR, you may want to check to see if it has a broadband port before subscribing to VoIP service.

When subscribing to Internet phone service, many people prefer to keep the same phone number, and in most cases this is possible through local number portability. LNP is the process by which consumers can transfer their phone numbers when changing telecommunications carriers. This process can take from approximately 10 to 20 business days until completion.

Finally, VoIP requires a high speed broadband Internet connection. For those of you who already use broadband Internet, this is not an issue. However, millions of people still use dial-up or have no Internet access at all. Therefore, this segment of the population must evaluate the cost of upgrading to broadband Internet versus the benefits of Internet phone service.

Is VoIP worth the switch? Individual answers will vary. Using the aforementioned considerations, a side-by-side comparison between your traditional phone service and your potential VoIP provider should prove to be informative at the very least. Savings is the key. If your potential savings outweigh all other factors, by all means, internet phone service should be worth the switch.

Greeting SMS Messages For Festivals

These are some general SMS messages which can be used for all occasion suitable for bulk SMS messaging during festivals, MMS Messaging, SMS Advertising Text Messaging
1. On this diwali� eat sweets, greed cards, heat crackers, beat music , lit lamps, meet friend, and cheat God.
2. Deewali ka paella din, pail subah , paella diya,with sweet laddu�. Aur Saabs late mera whish. Happy Diwali! Aap co Apache prewar co.
3. Have u ever seen any lamp put off by darkness? But must have seen darkness. Let light a lamp
4. How are you my dear?
I hope you are fine. My love to you will never be denied since the first day I saw you, My heart never lie, I don�t know what it is? I�m sure you are my valentine.
5. My oath to you on this valentine: When you are sad I will dry your tears. When you are scared I will comfort your fears.
6.I will shed a million tears for you just for a smile from you I will give up a million years just for a moment with you Be my dealing valentine!
7.I�ve never given my heart to anyone not to a single soul as if was waiting for someone and I know that someone is you. Would you be my valentine?
8.I Woke up this morning with a brand new point of you something has changed my world and girl, that something is you.
9.Love is sweet Love is tender keep this message because I am the sender!
10. May this valentine�s Day be filled with love, understanding and contentment as you journey through life with those you hold dear.
11.I think of you in silence, no eyes can see me weep, deep somewhere in my heart, your image I will keep!
12. I�ve got to say it , I�ve just got to ask, While I have you all of myself, Do you think, that just may be, You would like to be my valentine?
13.Down on one knee asking you to please be my wife and bless me every day special on this valentine�s day for I�m confessing my love for my special valentine.
14.Oh ! you are so hot you are so divine I wish you can be valentine!
15.No one knows my sorrow no one sees me how much I miss you everyday Is in my heart and mine to keep Happy valentine Day.
16.One the wings of love we can conquer anything! Happy valentine�s Day Sweet Heart!
17.Valentine�s Day is here again and I am all alone, hurting within thinking back to earlier years fighting back the forgotten tears.
18.You make my heart race every time I see your face now it�s time for you to be my valentine!
19.For my love there is only contender, now and forever you will hold that very special 1st place in my heart , If you will be very own, sweet valentine!
The below listed messages are suitable for sending bulk sms to friends. Enjoy SMS Messaging

Author Bio:
ECS Technologies text chat operator offers bulk SMS messaging, text chat, adult chat, SMS marketing, Text Messaging, MMS Messaging, SMS Advertising, Mobile marketing, Mms messaging and many more other services

Smart Phone Reviews Provide Valuable Information

The modern days are ruled by smart phones where you need to have only one piece in your hand, which satisfies your needs comprehensively. The latest phones are very much equipped to serve as cell phones, the email server, an organizer and many more active abilities. Hence, they are judiciously phrased as smart phones. Mobile phone reviews mention certain qualities of different brands of latest devices with their capabilities and limitations. Here is a short glimpse of some of them, which are leading players in the smart phone field at present.

The first in the list is iPhone 3GS from Apple. The newest addition is a forceful device for users, who appreciate speed in cell phone activity with other additional features. It has the common multimedia service for messaging, the option for video recording along with voice dialing. All activities are performed faster than before with the positive benefit of a powerful and enhanced battery back-up. It has the same reception quality like the 3G, which was a grand entry in the market with superb quality features. The appearance of the 3GS holds the key to its popularity.

The next in our list is the Palm Pre Plus, which is a definite winner as WebOS gadget with improved design, ability and features. Users will find this smart phone quite versatile in day to day use. The HTC Droid Incredible is an addition to this wonderful category with swiftness and has the customer-friendly interface in a shining design. The device has the ability to beat its competitors with superb ability.

Motorola Droid is an altogether different device with powerful performance on the Android platform with its neat touch-screen tool. The look is not the greatest in the market. The first really improved version of Black Berry is the RIM Black Berry Bold 9700, which is evident from its smooth design and competent browser function.

You can always rely on Smart Phones Reviews before you plan to buy a mobile phone. These are prepared by professionals and gives an in depth knowledge of the product. Click here to know more about Smart Phones Reviews

SMS Marketing - What is the Hype All About?

There is a lot of hype about mobile marketing and not without reason. Mobile penetration is increasing by significant percentage in the US and in countries like Singapore. There are more than 1 mobile phone per person. This works out to a mobile penetration of more than 100%. SMS marketing is 'hot' because of high mobile phone penetration and the falling cost of mobile communication. It is estimated that the mobile marketing market globally will reach $9.5 billion in revenues by 2011. There is more than one reason behind the hype. Let us take it one by one.

Marketers call sms marketing a very personalized form of marketing. People always carry their mobile phones along and can read a marketing message anywhere. This is not the case with traditional marketing medium like print and television. The other factor which has made sms marketing popular is the speed of execution. A marketer can set up a campaign within a few minutes and the campaign is up and running. A marketing message can be sent to thousands of people within a few minutes. If you want to send a message before the Christmas season announcing your discount store and do not have enough time for a traditional campaign, try out sms marketing and you can see the results quickly. A hype can be created using mobile marketing targeting the youth.

If you want a viral effect you can offer virtual freebies like pictures & ringtones to your target group. If it is exciting, you can expect thousands of requests and the message will be forwarded among friends and peers. You have achieved your objective. MMS marketing has taken marketing to a new level. With sophisticated mobile phone launches happening every day, marketers are snatching this opportunity and moving to picture messages with a cool message. This strategy is becoming explosive and people are adopting it very quickly. There is a convergence of social media and marketing. Marketers place promotional messages on Facebook and Twitter which are accessible on mobile phones. The mobile marketing phenomenon is starting to pick-up and there are fair chances that in the coming decade it will be more popular than traditional marketing methods.

Sms marketing is not only used for sending marketing messages. It can be used for competitions and lucky draws which are also a subtle way of marketing a product. Advertising and marketing firms are quickly building up competency in mobile marketing and pushing the services to their clients. In this tough business scenario clients are also seeing the benefits of mobile marketing and subscribing to it. They are getting a higher ROI than traditional media. All these factors are adding up to the 'Hype' in mobile marketing.

Will Regeura is the Promoter of Stay in Touch Solutions Inc.. He is a specialist in SMS and Mobile Marketing. The company offers various Mobile marketing solutions. The co-ordinates are:

Stay in Touch Solutions Inc.
Miami, FL-33155

Knowing All About the Mobile Marketing Guidelines

SMS service is a communication medium that enables 2 mobile subscribers to send short text messages between their mobile devices. The messages are of 160 characters and it is also known as "text messaging" or "texting." All mobile operator networks support SMS messages. The mass usage of SMS has created a market for SMS being used for marketing and advertising campaigns. Marketers need to be aware that there are 2 different forms of mobile marketing that is recommended by the MMA (Mobile Marketing

Association). These are Initial SMS Ad and Complete SMS Ad. The Initial ad is a short message of 20-60 characters that is appended to a non advertisement SMS message. It is plugged to the free space available at the end of the non-advertisement content. A Complete SMS Ad is a 160 character SMS text which carries only the marketing message.

Marketers have to follow the watershed hour's requirements of the local market while delivering a SMS marketing text. They should be ready with additional information about a product if it is requested by a subscriber. According to the Guidelines, additional information should be given to the subscriber within 12 hours of the request. The responses have to be given by an alternate short code but the subscriber should be easily able to identify the message. The aim of these guidelines is to give users information in a way

which does not disturb them and intrude their personal time. Marketers, if they are providing any telephone numbers should ensure that the numbers are working during the campaign. If the call rates for users are higher than normal charges, it should be clearly mentioned in the advertisement.

The content of Complete SMS Ad has to be well structured with the advertiser clearly identifiable. A URL, if it has to be embedded in the message, should ideally be in a shortened form to reduce the character count. The webpage that it links to must be up and running at the time of campaign launch. The guidelines of SMS Ad marketing are updated from time to time. Marketers need to be aware of these guidelines. Guidelines are also in place for Mobile Web, MMS marketing, Mobile Video and TV and Mobile Applications.

Marketers have a well defined Mobile Marketing Framework based on which they run a marketing campaign. Most of the guidelines are incorporated within this framework. The broad framework categorizes mobile marketing into Advertising, Promotions, Direct Marketing and CRM. A customer's willingness, perceptions and reactions are also captured in the framework. There is little doubt that Mobile marketing along with Social Media with drive the next wave of marketing and advertisement for companies of all sizes. Marketers only need to work within the guidelines of Mobile Marketing and see the 'moolah' fill up their coffers.

Will Regeura is the Promoter of Stay in Touch Solutions Inc.. He is a specialist in SMS and Mobile Marketing. The company offers various Mobile marketing solutions. The co-ordinates are:

Stay in Touch Solutions Inc.
Miami, FL-33155

Different Options Available For Mobile Advertisers

Mobile messaging technology is primarily based on SMS and MMS services. The enormous reach and scale of these two forms of mobile technology have made these 2 mediums a favorite for marketers. There are different variations of mobile marketing that include mobile instant messaging and mobile email. The low rates of these variants are driving marketers to adopt them more quickly than SMS and MMS. The potential of mobile messaging is virtually unlimited. When media publishers distribute mobile content, advertisers use these messages as inventory to embed their advertisement content. Similarly when a business is providing consumer services through mobile messaging, advertisers are taking advantage of any excess inventory and embedding their advertising messages. It helps advertisers to quickly help their clients establish their brands and create a loyal band of followers at a much lesser cost than traditional advertisement.

There are 2 types of mobile advertising options that marketers can utilize. The first option is Application-to-Person or what is known as A2P. A2P mode is used for Push Content Services, CRM and Business Services, Interactive Services and Search. Among these Push Content Services and Business Services, inventory is most frequently used by mobile advertisers to push advertisement to subscribers. If a subscriber has subscribed to news updates from New York Times or Bloomberg, it becomes easy for an advertiser to append a 20-60 character message with the message. A subscriber will not mind reading the advertisement as long as he is happy with the actual news content that is being provided by NYT. Same is the case with Business Services. When a bank sends an alert to a customer for a withdrawal made from the account, advertisers can take advantage of the remaining space in the message and embed their advertisements. Contests, online voting for nominating a reality show winner and polls also act as advertisement medium for advertisers.

P2P messages are another form of sms marketing that is not commonly used today but advertisers are encouraging subscribers to allow ads in their personal texts for which subscribers will be paid. If advertisers are able to make this form of sms text marketing happen, it will create a great inventory and help companies in creating brands quickly. However there is still some time before this form of marketing takes off.

The success drivers of SMS and MMS marketing are growing numbers of mobile subscribers, simplicity, engagement and propagation. The measurable results of SMS marketing campaigns help marketers to measure the ROI of the campaigns easily. So, if you have decided to go for a SMS marketing campaign, get in touch quickly with a marketer. They will help you with your campaign starting from buying inventory to campaign launch. You will see tangible benefits within a few weeks of your campaign launch.

Will Regeura is the Promoter of Stay in Touch Solutions Inc.. He is a specialist in SMS and Mobile Marketing. The company offers various Mobile marketing solutions. The co-ordinates are:

Stay in Touch Solutions Inc.
Miami, FL-33155

Six Very Good Reasons Why You Need Mobile Text Message Backup

Nowadays, mobile phones are probably the most popular way of communicating over the world. We use mobile phones to call, to send messages and emails and to chat online etc. It is estimated that the amount of short messages sent out everyday over the world totals 15 billion. We send and receive all kinds of messages to and from all kinds of people everyday, friends, family, clients, partners, teachers etc. However, while we have to deal with so many text messages everyday, have you ever thought of the necessity of making a safe backup for your important and treasured messages? If not, please go on, it is still not too late.

1. You may find your mobile phone is flooded with text messages one day. Painfully, you are not in a position to delete those beloved messages either because they are funny jokes or important messages. Then you need message backup to spare more storage if you do not want to lose them.

2. Lost your mobile phone? Mobile system crashed? Or mobile phone being stolen or robbed? No one ever expects that, but it does happen on somebody. Maybe next one is you. Why not cautiously have a backup for your text messages in advance?

3. Get lengthy messages to read or to edit and send to others? It is really burdensome to do it on that small screen and tiny keyboard. By using a text message backup software, you can do them all on your computer which is more comfortable for you.

4. Have you got some messages that are of emotional significance with your family, your boyfriend or girlfriend, or someone special to your life? It is suggested that you make a backup and print it out, which will be more convenient for you to read later.

5. If you are a salesman or a businessman, and some communications or exchanges happen to be made over text messages. It is urgent to make a backup of the information. Because it can be very valuable and fatal once it is lost.

6. While using a mobile call recorder to make an electronic call diary becomes more and more popular, have you ever considered making a text message diary, just image what an amazing thing it would be when you read over those messages that draw a picture of your past days.

Now you know the significance for mobile text message backup. Why not check For more details and get the latest utilities for Windows Mobile, please visit

Work From Home - Become a Bulk SMS Reseller

All you need is a computer to become a Bulk SMS Reseller. Work from home as a reseller and start earning now. This article explains who is a SMS reseller? and why should you choose the reseller business?

Who is a bulk SMS reseller?

In simple words a SMS reseller is a middleman between the consumer and the SMS provider. As a bulk SMS reseller you buy units from the bulk SMS provider at wholesale rates and sell it to the bulk SMS consumer at no fixed MRP, i.e. you can sell it at your own rate. You are simply buying SMS units in bulk and reselling them in a smaller bulk.

You can run your bulk SMS reseller business by working from home. This is a great business opportunity for new and old entrepreneurs, who are self motivated and want to earn good money. Primarily, new entrepreneurs should always start a business with low investment and thereby a SMS reseller business is an ideal start for new entrepreneurs. Read further to know more about why a reseller business is ideal for you.

Why become a bulk SMS reseller?

1. Minimal Investment: You can start your business as a reseller with very low investment. All you need is one computer with internet connection and some cash as low as INR.5000 to buy your 1st lot of bulk SMS. Unlike any other business, you do not need an office, staff, machinery, furniture etc., Your SMS provider is bearing all these costs for you. It does not end here, your SMS provider also provides you with a SMS gateway (SMS software), and has also borne the cost of getting into agreements with various mobile network operators. As a SMS reseller you get to start your business bypassing all the investment needed in a SMS business.

2. No Business Overheads: There are no business overheads to manage except the electricity bill for your computer and the internet connection cost.

3. High Profit: The difference in the sale price and purchase price of bulk SMS units is simply your profit. You decide the sale price and thereby you decide your profit. Since you deal in bulk even the smallest of difference between purchase and sale price gives you a good enough profit with every deal.

4. Low Setup Time: Most businesses need some time to setup. We all know time is money, the longer you take to set up your business the late you start earning. As a SMS reseller you can start your business right away with your computer from your home.

5. Low Gestation Period: Every business has a gestation period. Higher the investment, higher is the likeliness of a long gestation period. As a reseller the gestation period can end with just even your first deal.

6. Low Advertising Cost: Some SMS providers also provide you with a website of your own. This is a huge advantage. You are completely saving on the cost you would have otherwise incurred on creating your own website.

7. Low Customer Service Management: As a reseller you have a service guarantee in your agreement with the SMS provider. You provide the same service guarantee to your consumer. So there is nothing that you have to really do to provide good service to your customers.

Get started now! Work from home and start earning now. To become a Bulk SMS Reseller or to get answers to any more queries you may have Bulk SMS Services.

Reading Other People's Text Messages - Best Way to Do It

Would you like to be reading other people's text messages right now? Do you want to be able to read text messages on someone's phone? Have you always wanted to know what people say on their messages and who they are talking to? Do you have a wife or husband who is always text messaging someone and want to find out who they are talking to and what they are saying? Or do you have a best friend who you think lies to you about who they are always texting? Could they be texting the person you are in love with? Do you want to learn how you can be reading other people's messages?

Everyone texts in today's world. No matter how old or how young someone may be they know how to text and usually do. However, there does come a point when someone's messaging does become suspicious. If someone seems to be texting more than necessary then there is definitely reason to believe that something is going on. They could be doing a number of things while text messaging that will only result in problems and cause arguments.

When people first notice that someone is excessively texting and feel they are texting someone that they shouldn't be texting they try to solve the problem them self. This usually results in more problems and just makes things worse. If they are with this person often then they simply will take the person's phone when they are in the shower or doing something else and try to look through it. This approach may be successful but more likely than not it won't be. First of all this person would probably erase all of their texts if they knew they were doing someone that you wouldn't like. They would delete the evidence so that you will never know. Even worse this person could catch you looking through their phone which would be the reason for making things worse.

If you want to learn how you can be reading other people's text messages then you will need to use cell phone spying software. This software will solve all of your suspicions and give you the information you desire. Cell phone spying software records all of the texts on someone' s phone. Everything they say to someone and everything that someone says to them is recorded by this software. It is then uploaded onto your personal account where you can view whenever you feel like it. You can logon to this account from any computer you choose and won't have to worry about this person see you looking at their text messages on the computer. Even if this person erases their text messages you will still be able to see them because even deleted text messages are recorded by cell phone spying software.

If you really want to know what is going on with someone and their text messaging addictions then you will need to use cell phone spying software.

Read a womans text message
If you want to be reading other people's text messages who is a woman then visit us here.

Read a mans text message
If you want to be reading other people's text messages who is a man then visit us here.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Verizon BlackBerry Tour Review

When you start reviewing BlackBerry smartphones, you soon learn to look closely at the details. RIM have made a habit of making relatively minute differentiations between what, at first glance, might seem very similar handsets; luckily their loyal fanbase has proved willing to put in that effort. The Verizon BlackBerry Tour, then, borrows some of the style of the entry-level Curve and the specifications of the altogether more grown-up Bold: have RIM ended up with the best of both, or a Frankenmonster mash-up?

First impressions are good. In the box there’s a slipcase with belt-clip, an AC adapter, USB charging/sync cable, wired stereo headset and the battery. The phone itself is smaller than the Bold at 4.4 x 2.4 x 0.6 inches, though a little heavier than the Curve. Up front there’s a gloriously crisp, bright and high-resolution 2.4-inch 480 x 360 display and a backlit QWERTY keyboard; in-between there’s a familiar RIM trackball and the usual call-handling and menu keys.

Down the left-hand side of the phone there’s the voice-control trigger button, while the right-hand side has a 3.5mm headphone socket (which we wish was up top or on the bottom), volume keys, microUSB port and a camera shortcut key. The base of the phone is blank, while there are two keys – for locking and muting – on the top.

BlackBerry handsets are judged in no small part by their keyboards, and the Tour obviously arrives bearing that in mind. The closely packed keys use the same curved bezels as on the Bold, which do a great job of guiding your fingertips or thumbs into place. There’s obviously slightly less room than on the Bold – which is 0.2-inches wider – but it seems a reasonable sacrifice for a more pocket-friendly device. As with the Bold key-feel is excellent, quiet but tactile.

That’s good, because much of the Tour’s strength lies in its messaging abilities. RIM is known for its email client, and that’s no different here: as well as Microsoft Exchange support there’s POP and IMAP account functionality, together with instant messaging for the popular formats.

Elsewhere it’s the same old BlackBerry OS, which means a serviceable if not exactly outstanding browser, fair media player and Office file viewing and editing via Documents To Go. There’s also access to the BlackBerry App World, though you can only install software to the Tour’s 256MB of internal storage, not to a microSD card. There are far fewer titles on offer than in Apple’s App Store, but more than you’ll find in Palm’s version. Happily the OS supports multitasking, which means you, can have audio from the onboard PMP app (or streaming via Pandora) in the background while browsing or checking email.

The browser, though capable of visiting mobile and full HTML sites, pales in comparison to its counterparts on the iPhone, Pre or other platforms. Thanks to the high-resolution display you can fit plenty of page on-screen at any one time; the flip side is that you’ll do plenty of zooming in order to actually read the text. Here, the iPhone 3GS storms ahead, drawing and re-drawing pages far quicker than the Tour can manage. You’ll be accessing all this over Verizon’s EVDO Rev.A network, too, as there’s no WiFi provision on the Tour. Verizon make strong claims about the extent of their coverage, but there are still times we’d rather use faster or more accessible WiFi networks in preference to 3G.

On the back of the Tour there’s a 3.2-megapixel camera with video recording, which we found delivered mixed results. Still images are strong, with reasonable color reproduction; the LED light, like most of its kind, has a narrow sweet spot of effectiveness, outside which it’s either underpowered or prone to washing out detail. The 15fps video the Tour records, however, struggles with fast-moving scenes; that’s a common flaw for phone cameras.

Though we wish it had been fitted somewhere else on the Tour’s body, the 3.5mm headphone socket is a useful touch for anybody planning to make the smartphone their PMP. Tracks can be loaded directly via a microSD card or copied over with a USB connection. There’s also Verizon’s own V Cast Music Store, which charges a significant $1.99 per song; a 4GB memory card is in the box. The Tour is also comparable with Rhapsody, offering unlimited tracks for a $14.99 subscription. Audio quality is good, especially when you ditch the cheap included headset and replace it with your own. We were pleasantly surprised by the integrated speaker, which manages to produce loud and – until you reach the top end of the volume range – mainly crackle-free sound.

That’s handy, as Verizon offer their VZ Navigator GPS app pre-loaded on the Tour, and one of its more appealing features is voice-guidance. VZ Navigator is exactly the same here as it is on other Verizon phones, though the Tour does a decent job of finding – and keeping track of – a GPS signal. After the initial cold fix was past, the Tour could generally re-acquire a lock in under twenty seconds.

The business users that are drawn to BlackBerry devices prize their voice call ability, and the Tour can hold its head up here, too. Whether with a Bluetooth headset (which paired with no problems) or otherwise, sound quality at both ends was very high. Since the Tour offers global roaming, courtesy of an integrated GSM radio and SIM card, you can also use it when abroad; be aware, though, that Verizon’s per-minute fees for this are on the costly side, as is data roaming.

RIM rate the Tour as good for five hours talktime or up to 14 days standby. With heavy use during our initial testing we blasted through more than three-quarters of the indicated charge; more typical use will likely see the Tour go two days without needing attention.

There are a few obvious flaws with the BlackBerry Tour. The absence of WiFi may be mitigated somewhat by the prevalence and speed of Verizon’s EVDO Rev.A network, but it’s still an omission that feels miserly. RIM’s OS, too, may look the best it has in years, but newer rivals such as Palm’s webOS do show it up somewhat. Finally, the browser is reasonable but nothing special, and again other smartphones edge ahead with their Webkit-based apps.

Having looked through Verizon’s call-cost list, we’re a little surprised (and not in a good way) about the cost of international roaming. We suppose we should be grateful that an ostensibly CDMA device has any GSM capabilities whatsoever, but we can’t help thinking that frequent travelers would be better served with an unlocked device and a wallet full of pre-pay SIM cards.

Nonetheless, we won’t level that carrier criticism against the Tour. It does – noted exceptions aside – pretty much everything you ask of it, and in a sturdy, attractive and usable form-factor. The slimmed casing and rock-solid email functionality are a great combination to business-people and messaging-obsessed personal users, to which decent multimedia functionality is the icing on the cake. If a hardware keyboard is a must, then the BlackBerry Tour may just be Verizon’s best device.

BlackBerry Tour for Verizon hands-on demo: