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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Communication Sources

The world is a global village. It's getting smaller day by day. Centuries ago, there were only a few ways of communication. As centuries passed, these ways grew. Time passed and the inventions related to this industry came up. After the arrival of printing press, the newspaper made an impact in the world of communication, providing information from the around the world. People got to know about different cultures of the world. Radio and television was next in this line and provided information in a whole new way. With newspaper, people got information very late. But with television and radio, this process became faster. In the end of twentieth century, computer and internet became a part of this field and now, the internet is considered the most reliable and fastest way of communicating.
These are some of the ways of communication. The different sources of information provide us news, from all around the world, 24 hours a day. From a football match to the weather change, everything is news. Someone described news in this way. "If a dog bites a man, it's not news but if a man bites a dog, that's news." So this specialty is considered a news item. Everyone wants something different to see and hear.
We all see and hear different types of ads everyday, on radio, television, internet, and on the roads (in the shape of billboards). These ads are also part of communication. We see and hear different messages in these ads, which teaches us something or convince us in one way or another. Movies, songs and everything in between is part of information and communication. That's how the world communicates.

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